Tag Archives: Jorvik

Days 126-134: One patch at a time.


Good morning/ afternoon/ evening! How are we all? We are all fine here, in fact we are getting rather excited as Summer is upon us…..Hurrah! Yes the sun is shining and we are all in our summer gear that has lain for many a month at the bottom of the wardrobe.

I can’t believe that it is actually a week since I last posted. Naughty me. Last week went so fast. as the last week of term always does. Concerts, assemblies, collective worship, own clothes days and disco’s all seemed to fill my days. I sat in the evenings with my crafting project, (which you will see in a minute), and wondered where the time was going.

And so the holidays are here. Children are baying to be entertained. Honestly I do not know how they would cope without a TV! When I was younger the children’s programmes finished at 10 am and we had to amuse ourselves throughout the day. Boo asked me if I was born in Victorian times when I explained that there were no such things as videos let alone DVD’s, I player or Nintendo WII’s when I was his age! Cheeky monkey!

We have had a Fab day today in Konk! I have to explain that this is a pet name for York. Roo has trouble with some words and he knew there was a K in it somewhere. When asked where he was going some time ago, he replied with ‘Konk’! The name has stuck.

The sun shone all day for our stolen excursion. We had a gorgeous lunch. Visited Jorvik viking museum, leaving with bows, arrows, daggers and a sword. (Heaven help us!) Then it was a boat ride on the Ouse. Always a lovely treat when it is not raining. Finally the Castle Museum. This is a particular Favourite of mine, as I remember visiting for the first time with my Grandad. I also remember snagging my tights on a seat in the Edwardian pub! The smell of the sweet shop in the Victorian street brings back memories of me waving to Grandad through the window as he peered inside. Bows, arrows, daggers and a sword were firmly placed back in carrier bags for this visit. Then back home, on a delayed train, to be met by DH who had to work today. (Hence the stolen excursion!) Hot, tired and ready for a cup of coffee, we enthused about our day…..to a grumpy DH!

So I am just catching my breath and revving up for the make of the day.

You will no doubt remember the organising that I was doing last week in preparation of the next big project. Well this has certainly gathered pace.

I have begun with the blue as this is the largest colour. I wanted to make sure that I had divided the different patches equally between the eight blue sections. This meant that I had to share the patches out, bag them up ready. Talk about faff!

I set to, to make the first section of the blue. I’m not sure if I told you, but I love patchwork! Seeing all the colours working their magic together is fabulous. It soon became apparent that I needed to start on the white and red too. Having completed the first blue section, I want to make sure that it fits together like a jigsaw. I don’t want a repeat performance of ‘Blast it’! So I set to again with the scissors.

White, red and more blue patches ready to be made into hexagons. I have also cut more card templates ready for covering. It is definitely full steam ahead. And I am loving every minute of it. I hope I will be back very soon to show you an update.

See you later.


PS. DH has read the above and told me off for calling him grumpy. So I will put it another way…….perturbed at not being included in the trip to ‘Konk’, as he had to work, DH was quiet and a little disinterested at our enthusiam for our stolen day out. (Is that better DH?)